PERSPECTIVE with Nicole Ellis
As a certified success life coach for dads, Nicole Ellis advocates for men everywhere, inspiring them to achieve the same success at home and in their personal lives that they are already creating in their careers.
She teaches her clients how to create success at home with her 4 Foundational Principles:
- Emotional Responsibility
- Relationship over Routine
- Coaching-Not Controlling
- Unified Partnership
Through her coaching she helps couples enjoy the life they are creating together while they work through life's challenges in their own unique way. She empowers men who are feeling stuck at home to create a life for themselves and their family that they can’t wait to get home to!
Nicole has spent over 25 years working as a full time homemaker to create her own happy and successful life with her husband and their 6 children. She has a bachelor's degree from Utah State University, graduated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Institute of Religion and completed her life coach certification through The Life Coach School. Nicole has served by teaching and mentoring parents, teachers and leaders in her community and local education system how to effectively teach, discipline and connect with children at each stage of development.
Nicole loves sharing her unique perspective on how we can all "STOP the FIGHT!" and create more SUCCESS at home as we seek personal connection, value our differences and intentionally strive to help each other. READ MORE OF NICOLE'S STORY
Connect with Nicole here:
LinkedIn: Nicole Ellis Coaching